The Priorat will celebrate the passat diumenge on 10 years of the initiation of the project of candidacy of the region to Patrimoni of UNESCO - on the marking of the Day of the Paisatge, a
continuit d'actes to Escaladei. The day is going to compete
with activitats ranging from divers taules rodones fins to a vermouth and a popular dinar, a ballad of gegants and a ball of plaça.
day, organized by the taula that promotes the candidacy (the Prioritat association, the Regional Council of the Priorat and the Diputació de Tarragona), will continue with the cartography of
Escaladei, and will begin with the interventions of Joan Carles Garcia, president of the Regional Council of
Priorat; Pilar Just, President of Prioritat, and Imma Costa, deputy of the
Diputació de Tarragona.
his parliaments, Garcia is going to pose in detail that "the development of the landscape in the northeastern region is a paradigm of volearism, a sustainable development, respecting and
integrating". Imma
Costa for the seva band will manifest the maximum support of the Diputació in totes activitats that sorgeixen to the region perquè "the mark Priorat is a safe bet".
The President of Prioritat, Pilar Just, is going to say that her ambitions have been 10 years since her candidacy that the societat prioratina "s'involucri en el proyect i que'l felt her."
Then, they are going to develop a parell of taules rodones.
In the first one, it is going to pose damunt la taula: "D on venim i on som, evolved from the perception of paisatge. External visio and internal visión" while in the second, the theme that is
going to be raised will be: "On Volem anar i com ho fem: Eines de gestió, experiències i models
The matí is going to be a vermouth to the plaça d'Escaladei and the
presence of the gegants of Falset.
In the late afternoon, after a popular dinar, it will be the turn of the presentation of the MicroCatalunya, a viatge to the villages of the towns of Marc Serena and Edu Bayer,
Is going to be the dyad.
The day will also serve to
recapitulate and inform the presents of the moment in which trob the candidacy of the Priorat gave anys after you began to walk.
The calendar for the 2017 calendar year is to enclose the final application dossier, which is to be submitted to the UNESCO World Heritage Center for the month of September. Beginning of 2018.
2018, if the candidature has been submitted to the World Heritage Center of UNESCO, the UNESCO-ICOMOS Specialists study the dossier and visit the territory per veure i viure on the terreny where
the dossier of candidacy poses the system Of proposed management.
the meantime, in 2019, the Meeting of the World Patrimony Convention will be held, in which it is decided to propose proposals, in 2018, to inscribe the World Heritage List.